What is a Poltergeist?
When you hear the word "poltergeist" you probably think of the 1982 Steven Spielberg film. While much of this movie is just Hollywood dramatization and special effects, the basic premise is not far off. There have been numerous eyewitness accounts of poltergeist activity in homes built on what was reportedly sacred Native American land. In those cases, spirits attached to the land became somehow disrupted by unwanted human behavior and lashed out at the uninvited guests. However, not all poltergeists are vengeful Native American spirits, so this begs the question: what exactly is a poltergeist? According to Google, a poltergeist is "a ghost or other supernatural being supposedly responsible for physical disturbances such as loud noises and objects thrown around." The word itself is German for "noisy ghost" or "loud spirit." So this suggests a poltergeist is basically just a ghost with a grudge, or a spirit that can produce a great dea...