Ghosts vs. Spirits
The terms "ghost" and "spirit" are used so interchangeably that there seems to be no discernable difference between the two. However, these phenomena each have their own characteristics that uniquely distinguish one from the other. Ghosts are traditionally accepted as the source behind a haunting. They were at one time living human beings (or animals), who upon death became somehow attached to a location or a specific object. Ghosts are essentially trapped in limbo, doomed to haunt their assigned surroundings for all eternity. That is, until they are ready to move on or can be released through a cleansing ritual or similar means. So where do they go from there, you might ask? That would depend on your belief system, but for the purpose of this blog we'll just say "into the Light". Spirits, on the other hand, have more of a religious connotation. They come from the Light, and just to visit, not to haunt. When someone sees a vision of a ...